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Ratio change simultaneous equations

I have seen a few different methods for ratio change problems. Some people use scaling (not pictured), I have often in the past preferred...

Quadratic sequence grids

I like to look at sequences additively, for example, the sequence 3n+2 is the sequence 3n; 3, 6, 9, 12... plus the constant sequence 2:...

Scaffolding simultaneous equations

Here is a small subset, not all, of the examples I recently used for simultaneous equations. My other examples relied heavily on bar...

Substituting expressions into expression

This grid offers a way for students to deepen their understanding of substitution, by going beyond numerical substitution and allowing...

Plotting coordinates

With coordinates, I believe the two most common errors are the scale of the axis and confusing the x and y coordinate. This task focuses...

Resources: Blog2
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